Attended an excellent workshop on Sunday with tutor Carole Waddle and 6 talented felters, as part of the International Feltmakers Association/Feltmakers Lacemakers Embroiderers Weavers Spinners Group (both co-ordinated by Joan Braganza). The workshop was entitled 'Hidden Depths' and was all about layering up different colours of fleece and then cutting back into it after felting to reveal new colours underneath. We used plastic resists to create pockets hidden within the felt (which we could again cut into to reveal new colours) and also to part-attach yarns to the fleece, so they were attached by their ends but were otherwise left loose or hanging where the resist was. Really interesting techniques, and we all enjoyed playing with the Norwegian fleece we used (bit different to the usual Merino). Photo here of the results - I've still got more cutting to do on mine, so I'll post some before and after photos once I've done a bit more.
And more hidden surprises when I got home that day. A lady called Sonia had attended a mini journal workshop with me back in June (see previous posting) but not had a chance to turn her piece of felt into a journal. Well once she'd got home she decided to make a sewing kit with her felt instead - and on Sunday she sent me the results as you can see here. Great idea - and it's always inspiring to see what other people come up with from the same basic idea or material.